Youth Class


Kids Class

This is a fast paced 45 minutes of fun! Watch as your child develops greater focus, confidence and discipline as they learn. This confidence can help children stand up against common school yard problems like bullying. Better yet, join them during class and help them transform!

This course meets once a week and teaches a beginning foundation in Kung Fu geared to ages 7-15. The class consists of a short warm up that focuses on learning stretching form, calisthenics, and proper striking, followed by a mixture of forms and additional martial arts techniques (Shuai-Chiao, Chin Na, and Kicking techniques) that are designed to hold the attention and interest of the children and keep the student progressing toward Martial Arts competency.

Stretching form, calisthenics and proper striking are all important to ensure a student does not get injured while training. This structure helps build a solid foundation that can be applied to any physical activity! Training in Kung Fu at an early age can help develop athletic ability for school sports. An added bonus to the training is learning how to avoid common injuries that could prevent participating in later physical activities! This is why we include them in every class so that they become automatic and will keep the students safe practicing at school or at home.

We are a forms based system and while children progress in less foreseeable patterns than adults the practice of learning forms helps them to internalize the techniques for self defense with the goal of the movements becoming second nature. Forms taught in the kids class begin with Tan Tui and additional forms will be taught as students progress in accordance with their abilities. This practice develops the thinking mind with the physical body, your child will increase the ability to retain knowledge as they continue the journey to proficiency.

The additional martial arts techniques are a combination of Shuai-Chiao, Chin Na, and kicking techniques. For Shuai-Chiao we get out the mats and learn to roll and fall (this is a kid favorite). For Chin Na the students pair up and practice self defense techniques. Kicking techniques are done as a class and the jumping kicks are usually the most loved!